Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Second day of Round 2 of IVIG

All has gone well for these first 2 days. I got a clean stick in the top of my arm where I never bump it and where its easy to rap for a shower. :) Of course I met a new group of IVIgers at the infusion center. Its nice to chat with folks that have a lot of the same issues I do. It is also helpful to share contacts such as therapists, both mental and physical and share numbers for Pain Management places.

I found there are more options than drugs to manage pain. After the new year if the t3/thyroid and HC protocol doesn't totally clear me up, I will pursue other avenues to get back and functional.

Also looking forward to more info on CCVSI research to see if a simple vascular procedure would help the symptoms. The more I get out the more I learn.

Have opted for all the little help drugs with the infusion such as Ativan, Toperol for headache, and zofran for nausea. I forgot to take the antihistamine today and never missed it but i didn't sleep through the 2.5 hour drip like yesterday. Maybe i can get through the whole thing without the pseudo migraine headache. Wouldn't that be sweet!

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